You see, dreams don't specifically have to happen when you're sleeping. You can spend your entire day dreaming if you wanted to. The dreams we have at night are generally uncontrollable, random things, which you don't actually remember when you wake up. But what about the dreams we have everyday, about our future, our love, our career, where we want to be in ten years? I spend most of my days living in my head, daydreaming about a million things. The inspiration for this photo set came from someone I used to dream of. You know, the being in love, thinking a thousand things a day about the future you could have together type thing . On the way to her house, I would pass by this home that at first glace, I could see my next 20 years spent alongside the love of my life, adopting dogs, lake days, pool parties, sledding down the big hill. I wanted to take a picture of it then, as a physical representation of what I was working towards, a visual of hope and safety. ...